Anuncios de COHO

A blog for the Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, a membership group based in the Kansas City metropolitan area.

Monday, April 18, 2005

COHO April meeting minutes

April's meeting was held at the Macias Flores Center in KCK. To view minutes click here

May's meeting will be held at Penn Valley Community College, 3201 Southwest Blvd, Campus Center Rm 503, KCMO.

Please note new arrival and networking time of 7:45am. Congressman Dennis Moore has confirmed his attendance.

Brenda Sharpe, REACH Foundation's Director, will also give a short presentation regarding grants to be made by that foundation.

COHO meeting time is scheduled from 7:45am - 9:30am, we want to respect everyone's busy schedule and honor the organizations which work so hard in our community. Con prisa!

Hasta luego! - Rita